Monday Mommy Must Have: Growth


How have I grown being a Stay-at-home-Mom?

 “Now that you are a SAHM, what do you do”?: I have been asked this question on several occasions. I’m growing that’s what I’m doing. LOL!  Staying busy and growing as a  Wife, Mother, and an individual. When I was working as a Dental Assistant – I honestly felt like that was my life…80% Dental Assistant, and 20% Mom. Now, that I am home. I am 100% Mom.  Since I have been home I have learned so much about my children, and myself. What they need from me, and what I need from ME. I am here and present for their needs. I have learned what I can handle , and what I can’t.  I am more attentive, and living in the present moment. I am better at managing my time. I learned to be BY MYSELF. As lonely as that may sound… I feel it is imperative  to take time out to be by yourself. To figure out what it is you want out of life, and the steps you have to take in order to start traveling in that direction. I have learned my level of tolerance . I have learned not only what I can tolerate when it comes to my kids, but also what I can tolerate when it comes to grown folks….trust me my tolerance is slim to none! I have learned that loving and knowing who you are sets the tone for the path you will walk.

I have learned to be vigilant: steering clear of situations and people who are not good for me. When you are on the road to growth-it is hard for others to understand, but you have to allow the process to take place. Being aware is not a bad thing. Being aware doesn’t mean to get rid of or to dismiss. It means to know about-having a sense of discernment. Continue to be present in the areas you want to grow in, and do what is necessary- I promise you won’t regret it.


Growth: To grow is to water, nourish, love, protect, and develop. We all have areas in which we want to be better. So, let’s start with ourselves. Growth is just taking the next step to improve. Don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Learn from it. You deserve to be a better you. Not just for you but for others around you. For all my Mommy’s out there- stay focused and stay motivated- being a Mother is not the only area we are growing in. Take the time to progress.

I hope I have encouraged you hot Mamas out there! Just a little Monday Motivation-


Thanks for reading ♥

Continue to grow.


Posted By: Ivy


2 thoughts on “Monday Mommy Must Have: Growth

  1. Thanks for blogging about this….I recently became a STAHM & I’ve found myself constantly asking myself “what should I do?” Im enjoying raising my newborn, but adjusting from not being in the workplace has me constantly feeling like im “forgetting to do something.”
    I recently begin searching for a hobby that would interest me & came up with couponing 😊 I’ve never taken the time out to “find myself” so this article is encouraging to me. Thanks for writing this & giving STAHMs guidance on how to occupy time & better ourselves throughout the process 😘


  2. Absolutely! You’re welcome! I’m so glad you found this post helpful. We all need a little motivation from time to time. God knows I do! That’s great you found a hobby you enjoy. We are so much better when we know who we are and what we want you know. Stay busy with baby and take care of you 😊 Thank you so much for reading!!


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